Bug#916066: csound regression: zir opcode appears entirely broken; hangs instrument
Sam Hartman
2018-12-09 18:53:05 UTC
package: csound
version: 1:6.12.2~dfsg-1

I was experiencing strange failures with orchestras with csound 6.12 and
eventually I've tracked it down to the zir opcode to read a value from
zk-space at i-time.

It's fairly basic: the zir.csd from the csound examples fails to print
out anything in the instrument that runs zir.
Based on what I've seen the instrument hangs (or aborts without a note
aborted message).

This is bad because it doesn't look like there's any way to read a
zk-value at I time without that opcode.
I guess you could play reinit games, but ugh.

Interestingly, Debian doesn't seem to be shipping zir.csd or really most
of the examples.
We used to, as I got them somewhere, and they're really useful.
I'm not seeing any license problems, so it would be cool if we either
shipped them or documented why not.
Anyway for completeness I'm attaching zir.csd.

This works on stretch.
; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out Audio in
-odac -iadc ;;;RT audio I/O
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o zir.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

; Initialize the global variables.
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1

; Initialize the ZAK space.
; Create 1 a-rate variable and 1 k-rate variable.
zakinit 1, 1

; Instrument #1 -- a simple instrument.
instr 1
; Set the zk variable #1 to 32.594.
ziw 32.594, 1

; Instrument #2 -- prints out zk variable #1.
instr 2
; Read the zk variable #1 at i-rate.
i1 zir 1

; Print out the value of zk variable #1.
print i1


; Play Instrument #1 for one second.
i 1 0 1
; Play Instrument #2 for one second.
i 2 0 1

Felipe Sateler
2018-12-10 23:34:47 UTC
Control: tags -1 confirmed upstream
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/csound/csound/issues/1088
Post by Sam Hartman
I was experiencing strange failures with orchestras with csound 6.12 and
eventually I've tracked it down to the zir opcode to read a value from
zk-space at i-time.
Ouch! I have forwarded the issue upstream. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Post by Sam Hartman
Interestingly, Debian doesn't seem to be shipping zir.csd or really most
of the examples.
We used to, as I got them somewhere, and they're really useful.
I'm not seeing any license problems, so it would be cool if we either
shipped them or documented why not.
Do you have csound-doc installed? It's there, at least in html form.
Do you want the examples in csd form?
Felipe Sateler
Debian Bug Tracking System
2018-12-10 23:39:04 UTC
Post by Felipe Sateler
tags -1 confirmed upstream
Bug #916066 [csound] csound regression: zir opcode appears entirely broken; hangs instrument
Added tag(s) upstream and confirmed.
Post by Felipe Sateler
forwarded -1 https://github.com/csound/csound/issues/1088
Bug #916066 [csound] csound regression: zir opcode appears entirely broken; hangs instrument
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to 'https://github.com/csound/csound/issues/1088'.
916066: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=916066
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